Requirements for registration | Мировая наука
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The design of the text



In the meantime, there is no need to worry about it. ”

The file with the article should be named with the surname of the first author and the section, for example, Ivanov (Natural and technical sciences) .doc

If within one month (i.e. one issue) you send several articles, then you must put the number, for example Ivanov - 1 (Natural and technical sciences) .doc

The section is chosen by the author. If the section is not specified, then the article is automatically published in the main section.

Article file extension: doc / docx / rtf

Receipt file extension: pdf / jpg

Archives and links are not accepted for consideration

If the file with the article turns out to be too "heavy" due to the pictures, reduce their size (in bytes).

The article should not exceed 2-3 MB.

Articles are accepted only in the form



The text of the article should be typed in Microsoft Word format (.docx, .doc, .rtf)
Font - TNR (Times New Roman)
Size (size) 14
Line spacing one and a half (1.5)
Margins - 2.5 cm on each side
Footnotes in the text (if any) are placed automatically at the end of each page.

Tables, diagrams, figures, formulas, graphs should not go beyond the specified fields (font in tables and figures - at least 11 pt). If the circuits consist of several parts, they must be combined. Keep in mind that your article will "move" during layout, diagrams and tables should not "float". Since the magazine is electronic, you can leave color illustrations in the text. All diagrams, tables, etc. only in a book spread


UDC (Universal Decimal Classification) index is a system for classifying information, used to systematize works of science, literature and art, periodicals, various types of documents and the organization of card files. The index can be obtained from the institution's library or found online.

Information about authors:

Top right, bold italic:

1 line - surnames and initials of the author, academic degree, academic title.

2nd line - position.

3 line - the name of the organization.

4 line - country, city.

If you have more than one author, the order is preserved for each author.

If you want to indicate a supervisor (not a co-author), then he is indicated after all authors.

Article title:
Centered, in bold, in capital letters.
Abstract: 4-5 sentences, italics.

Key words: italics, about 5-7 words - the main general scientific terms or terms according to the research profile, sorted from the most general to specific, corresponding to the description of the research

Information about authors, title, abstract and keywords should be duplicated in English


Used sources

Entries in the bibliographic list are drawn up according to the rules for describing bibliographic references in accordance with

with GOST R 7.0.5-2008
At the end of the article, indicate the phone number, e-mail of the contact person for communication in case of force majeure
Again! Check the text carefully for errors and typos!


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